1000 Years of Career Advice: interviews with 100 graduates 10 years on from university, their career

1000 Years of Career Advice: interviews with 100 graduates 10 years on from university, their career

Matematika luas selimut tabung dan volume tabung tersebut adalah? r=20 t=42​

luas selimut tabung dan volume tabung tersebut adalah? r=20 t=42​

Mencari luas selimut tabung :

Ls = 2 π r t

= 2 × 3,14 × 20 × 42

= 6,28 × 840

= 5.275,2 cm²

Mencari Volume tabung :

V = π r² t

= 3,14 × 20² × 42

= 3,14 × 400 × 42

= 1.256 × 42

= 50.240 cm³


semoga membantu
