1000 Years of Career Advice: interviews with 100 graduates 10 years on from university, their career

1000 Years of Career Advice: interviews with 100 graduates 10 years on from university, their career

Matematika f(x) =6/x²
[tex] \frac{6}{x {}^{2} } [/tex]
turunan fungsi aljabar​

f(x) =6/x²
[tex] \frac{6}{x {}^{2} } [/tex]
turunan fungsi aljabar​


f(x)= 6/x²

maka DX/Dy ( turunan nya )

f(x)= 6(x^-2)

atau 6x^-2

f'(x)= 6(-2)x^-2-1

f'(x)=-12x^-3 ✓
